Friday, July 1, 2011


I am a free soul. I have always thought this. I have always considered this. But lately, I have truly been feeling it. I have a fire in my heart, in my soul. I will never stay in one spot. If you are in my life, you are slowly beginning to notice this. You are starting to see that I am finding myself, finding who I truly am, who I will become. Life pulls us in so many directions. It is a thrill that only some seek. This is where I seek the freedom I feel. In the adventures that life wants to throw at me. In the past I was known to run or hide from these, viewing them as burdens. Now I embrace it. I am a strong woman, and I am proud. In the past if you stood in my way I would simply stand behind you. Now I will break down that wall that you put up in front of me. My soul is burning. I have a passion that I am so excited to find. And honey, you are not stopping me.
I am finally feeling this, but what am I actually doing about it? I know that I have the strength to do, to get through, whatever I need to. I know that if you show that you are going to stand in my way, the fire, the freedom will rip you a part head to toe and push you over; all this without ever laying a finger on you. My words are stronger than anything or anyone you will ever meet. That added onto this new found fire, I am unstoppable.

1 comment:

  1. I feel so privileged to be in your life! I can only smile when I talk to you.
