Sunday, September 26, 2010

Story of 2009.

This year has come and gone, faster than any previous years. This year has also had the most changes, for many of us. I sit here in a place I once called home, no more than 4 months ago did I call this small town home. I have found a new home, in which I have found love in new places. I have found true happiness, I have found strength. It hurts to say that Puyallup is no longer my home, but a piece of my heart will always stay here. There is the saying of " Home is where the heart is." If this is true then I do not have one home; I have multiple. I have found a home in towns, in cities, in countries. I have found a home in the hearts of others. Home is where you find happiness. True happiness. My heart breaks when I think of all that was lost this past year. A grandmother that memories of laughter and home are made. A grandfather full of peace and comfort. A beginning friendship that never was allowed to become all it could. All of these, bodies, that are no longer with us; but their souls will remain in our hearts. Not only were these loved ones taken from my life, I also lost friendships. Although things will never be the same I still have memories. Memories that will stay in my mind and heart as long as I let them. Much was lost in this past year, but why dwell on the pain? Why do I deserve to think of the bitter times, when so much love was found in this year. Not only love in others, I found love in myself. I have been forced to think of my opinions of this world. I have been tested in my beliefs. I have been tested in life. I am finding more and more about who I am and who I want to become. It is an amazing journey that 2009 has brought me. I have met people from all over this country. I have become friends with so many new faces. I have found new hearts to call best friends. I have a soul in my life that has shown me I deserve love. This soul has shown how to feel passion, and how to show love. A soul that will one day change this world, whether help is there or not. I have found love in a pair of eyes that keep me safe. These eyes are connected with a heart that holds power over all. Along with a set of arms that will comfort me whether I am crying or laughing. This love I have found scares me. This fear is not a negative fear. No. This fear is a powerful, overwhelming feeling. It is a feeling that one gets when they have fallen. This heart changes lives with a simple glance. A glance with the kindest eyes you will ever meet. I have met a free soul. A soul in which I see myself. Yet, this soul is nothing like me. This soul has changed my life. This soul has made me look at life with an open mind. A soul I have tried to show that life holds more than what is being lived. Life is worth more. There have been many people, many hearts I have found but these are the ones that have spoke to me the most. These are the new found loves. Friendships have been strengthened. I have found life in a girl that holds my heart. She is my sister, she is my friend. This young woman is a woman who roars. It is becoming the strongest roar you will ever hear. Life will throw much at us. We will be tested, and some will fail. But we all must live each day. As this year came to it's last days, I found myself thinking about life much more. When will your last day be? No one knows. Therefor you must live. You must be proud, you must show no regret. There is not enough time to dwell on the past. Yes, that is much easier said than done, but we can all try. There will be days when we feel weak. There will be days where we feel as if there is no one out there to run to. Just know that you are not alone. There is life in every corner, sometimes you just have to open your eyes and run. So as we start a new year, and a new decade I am going to ask just that. Open your eyes.....and run. Love and be free. Hold close those you love, make sure they know how you feel. Never, never hide your feelings. This year....find your true happiness.

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